Monday, February 14, 2011


Even though I just posted about the books I've read, here is another one. You may have heard about it, you may even have been encouraged by it already. I'm talking about Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts."
I can't say enough about how her search for grace, for joy, for completeness led her to a place of gratitude in all things. I could type quote after quote from her book that's really spoken to me, but I will just encourage you to pick it up yourself. Well here's one from the page I just read...

"The real problem of life is never a lack of time.
The real problem of life - of my life - is lack of thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving creates abundance; and the miracle of multiplying happens when I give thanks - take the just one loaf, say it is enough, and give thanks - and He miraculously makes it more than enough.
I am a mother-tired, but when my soul doth magnify, my time doth magnify."

and she goes on....
Pick it up. Be encouraged. Create your own list of One Thousand Gifts.

1 comment:

Kristian and Katy said...

oh i am so with you!!! i am almost done with this gem and dreading it being over :)
have you watched the "book club" videos at it's fun to see ann talk through the book.
gratitude really is life-changing.

hope you're doing well!