Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reading galore!

My husband says I'm a nerd. I guess because I read a lot and fast and quickly run out of books to read and have to, I mean HAVE to go out and buy new books. I do enjoy getting books from the library but I'm a bit of a collector and I love to have shelves and shelves of books (though most of ours are currently in storage.)
Anyway, here's what I've finished this year so far...

"Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen- soon to be a movie starring Reese Witherspoon and the vampire guy from Twilight.
"The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison- a classic that is currently on the banded book list
"Room" by Emma Donoghue- a 2010 hit! Written from the perspective of a 5 year old who was born and raised in a 11x11 room.
"The Invisible Bridge" by Julie Orringer- a novel debut. She is the author of "How to Breathe Underwater" which is my favorite book of short stories.
"House Rules" by Jodi Picoult- the first I've read by this author, but I was interested because the main character has Aspergers syndrom, which is what my nephew has- but not nearly to the degree that this character does.

All good reads and I'd recommend them to anyone!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Hi Desiree! I found you through the comments on Kristi's blog. Looks like you are doing well! Conratulations on a second boy! That is great news!