Monday, May 31, 2010

Proud of my Man!

Introducing Dr. Jay Sholes! He doesn't want to be called Dr. Sholes (because of the feet people) so he says he'll go by Dr. J :)
I can't tell you how incredibly proud of him I am! He's worked so hard, put in many hours and finally it's done. Since we've been together, either one or both of us has been in school and now we're done.
Now, he's applying for jobs. He's applying in the city and as far away as FL! So we are praying that God leads us in the right direction and opens up doors for just the right opportunity.
We celebrated with Jay's parents and aunts and uncles at a cabin in WV! No TV, no cell service, no internet. James loved having so much time to play outside :)


Kristi said...

Yay!! That is awesome (and kinda funny about the feet people). You must be so proud. How exciting to see where God will lead you. Wish it could be to Edmond, OK. :)

Amber said...

Congrats Dr J! Nashville has quite a few universities :)