Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Park

We are enduring the summer heat in the city. Though the temperatures aren't reading 95 + the humidity here kills me. It radiates off the tall buildings and concrete sidewalks- and keep in mind we walk pretty much everywhere we go! Even James said it was hot outside. He can't go outside now without wearing his sunglasses... he says "outside too bright mommy." :)

So to cool down we hit the park pretty much every day! Most of the playgrounds have some kind of water sprinkler feature for the summertime. The day I took my camera they didn't have the water turned on yet, but this is one of James' favorite parks- 96th St and Lexington Ave. I'll have to take some pictures of him playing in the water sometime soon.

We had a little picnic in Central Park with some friends on Memorial Day. Here's Jack and James.

We're so blessed to have such an incredible church and to have made some incredible friends here in the city.


Erin Parker said...

The first picture -- too cool for school. Yes, I said it. :-)

steve said...

Loved going through your posts- sweet tributes to sweet Gunther and yay for Jay!!!

Love the pics of James w/ Maelee, too :) He really is precious with the babes!

Looking forward to enjoying some of the NYC parks together this summer!!!

Becksta said...

Hehe, that previous comment was from me, not Steve (in case you couldn't tell- ha!)... forgot to re-sign in under my name! :)

Amber said...

It is hot here too! Almost too humid to breathe. Thankful for friends with baby pools :)