Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Past Meets the Present!

A little trip down memory lane:
This is Jay and his dad standing at the corner of 5th and Central Park South somewhere around 1980, which makes Jay about 3.
And here is Jay and James standing on the same corner in 2010. They've changed a few things... the signage, added the glass Apple store in the back and you can see where they've updated the bottom of the building in the background- BUT there's a horse and buggy and a bald man!

Cute right?


Amber said...

Very cute! I have been thinking about yall this week with the news reporting triple digit temperatures. I hope you are finding ways to keep cool.

Viv said...

I love it! How crazy that there happened to be a horse AND a bald guy in both pictures.

Kristi said...

No words for how adorable and neat-o this is!!

Unknown said...

AWESOME!! Great memory shot! :o)